living beyond breast cancer

Living Beyond Breast Cancer: From Surviving to Thriving

Congratulations on your hard-fought victory against breast cancer! The journey from diagnosis to remission is undoubtedly challenging, but as you emerge from the shadows of cancer, a new chapter begins—one filled with opportunities for healing and growth. While chemotherapy and radiation treatments may be behind you and the reconstruction complete, your journey to wellness is…

breast cancer wellness

Back to School and Back to Routine: It’s the Perfect Time to Schedule Your Regular Checkups for the Year Ahead

Summer is the time we all let loose. We spend more time traveling, have more social engagements, and keep the kids entertained at the pool. As we head into August and start our back-to-school schedule, it’s a great time to plan ahead with wellness routines.  Our customers who have completed breast cancer treatment will be…

breast cancer hydration

The Importance of Hydration for Breast Cancer Patients During Hot Summer Months

Breast cancer patients face numerous challenges during their treatment journey, and maintaining proper hydration is one critical aspect that requires special attention, particularly during the hot summer months. Adequate hydration plays a vital role in supporting overall health, managing treatment side effects, and ensuring the body’s optimal functioning. Pretty in Pink Boutique discusses the significance…

traveling with breast cancer

Traveling with Breast Cancer: Tips for Safe and Enjoyable Summer Vacations

Planning a summer vacation is an exciting endeavor, and for individuals navigating breast cancer, it’s essential to consider specific factors to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. With careful preparation and consideration, traveling can still be possible for breast cancer patients and survivors. Pretty in Pink Boutique has tips and guidelines to help you plan…

breast cancer mental health

Coping with Mental Health Challenges During Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast cancer treatment can significantly impact a person’s mental health, often leading to heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and emotional distress. Taking care of your mental well-being during this time is crucial for your overall quality of life. This article aims to provide practical strategies and coping mechanisms to help individuals navigate the emotional challenges…


Celebrity Breast Cancer Survivors Show They Are Just Like Us

Breast cancer can affect any woman, from your local hairdresser to a popular celebrity. There are many household names that have gone through or are currently experiencing breast cancer. Many celebrities choose to keep their health private, but there are others that are very outspoken about their experience and choose to use their condition to…